Now, select the Destination base folder, which defaults to Program Files. On the Create Package page, click Next. If you select Don't save, then you'll have to run through the entire process from scratch. Finally, select Save Self Extraction Directive (SED) file if you want to create a modified installer later on, such as when you've patched the software and need an updated installer. This is the EXE file that you are going to distribute to end-users. For the package name, click Browse, navigate to where you want the installer EXE to be created, and give it a name. Continue through the IExpress Wizard and select your preferred options for the Show Window and Finished Message prompts. Add all the files you want to see installed by clicking Add, browsing to where the files are, and selecting them all. If not, it's fine to select Do not display a license. #RAGNAROK INSTALLER MAKER LICENSE#
For the license agreement, select Display a license if you want the end-user to agree to an End User License Agreement (EULA).For the end-user, including one is always a safe choice. For the confirmation prompt, choose No prompt or Prompt user with.For the package title, the name of your app is a safe choice.Select Extract files only and click Next.
Select Create new Self Extraction Directive file and click Next. Open the Run prompt ( Windows key + R) and type iexpress.exe to launch the IExpress Wizard. Like 7-Zip above, this method creates a self-extracting archive, but with two major differences: one, the end-user will proceed through a multi-page Installation Wizard, and two, the end-user can specify the target directory to where the tool will extract the files.Īnd this how you create your installer EXE using IExpress:
The utility comes with a front-end graphical interface (called IExpress Wizard), but you can also create installer files using hand-scripted Self Extraction Directive (SED) files. IExpress is a utility that comes bundled with versions of Windows starting with Windows XP and beyond. 2. How to Use IExpress to Make an EXE Easily